Proteus Industries Inc. 2024 | All Rights Reserved
Digital Solutions provided by Naman Modi
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Digital Solutions provided by Naman Modi
Proteus Industries specializes and excels at providing customer requested customization which may include: fittings, special cables and connections, brackets and specialized calibrations including viscosity compensation.
Custom designed for a customer to use in harsh (>1100GHz) EMI or RF environments. The 8000RFR has been laboratory tested up to an RF power of 10v/m to 10GHZ (maximum laboratory testing available). Effective design indicates that this device is capable for up to 1181 GHz.
98008SA6F3P1: Some of our customers require our products to be used under extreme temperature conditions.
For this purpose, Proteus can supply a closed-cell foam insulator to prevent icing in cold conditions or protect workers from burns in higher temperatures.