Proteus Industries Inc. 2024 | All Rights Reserved
Digital Solutions provided by Naman Modi
Please submit a Flow Product Configuration Form or a WeldSaver Configuration Form.
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Technical inquires:
Phone: (650) 964-4163
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Proteus Industries
Proteus Industries manufactures and markets a full line of liquid flow switches, meters, sensors, and control systems for sale worldwide.
Durable and Accurate Liquid Flow Products for use with water or advanced heat transfer fluids from -100C to 200C in the SEMI, Medical, and Industrial Markets
Proteus WeldSaver⢠â Coolant Control, Leak Detection, and Coolant Retraction For Automotive Robotic Welding Systems
We offer a wide range of network capable, extreme temperature, rugged, precision liquid flow sensing and control instruments for the semiconductor equipment, automotive, medical and industrial markets.
Our worldwide customers value Proteusâ 45 years of experience and our proven ability to customize flow control products for their complex and specific applications to measure and control flow, along with temperature, improving process control and predicting service shutdown for critical equipment and processes.
Digital Solutions provided by Naman Modi
Proteus Industries specializes and excels at providing customer requested customization which may include: fittings, special cables and connections, brackets and specialized calibrations including viscosity compensation.
Custom designed for a customer to use in harsh (>1100GHz) EMI or RF environments. The 8000RFR has been laboratory tested up to an RF power of 10v/m to 10GHZ (maximum laboratory testing available). Effective design indicates that this device is capable for up to 1181 GHz.
98008SA6F3P1: Some of our customers require our products to be used under extreme temperature conditions.
For this purpose, Proteus can supply a closed-cell foam insulator to prevent icing in cold conditions or protect workers from burns in higher temperatures.